Azure CLI
Use device code to login:
az login --tenant <tenantID> --use-device-code
Set context:
az account set --subscription "subscription-id"
Store the default subscription in a variable:
subscriptionId="$(az account list --query "[?isDefault].id" -o tsv)"
Who am I
Login and check the current context
az login
az account tenant list
az account show --output table
az ad signed-in-user show
az group list --output table
To logout run az logout
Use jq to filter for only the results you want.
az account list | jq -r '.[].tenantId'
Useful Information
az vm image list-publishers --location westus
az vm image list-offers --location westus --publisher Canonical
az vm image list-skus --location westus --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer
imageId=$(az sig image-definition show --resource-group images --gallery-name imagegallery --gallery-image-definition ubuntu_standard --query id --output tsv)
az sig image-definition create -g images -r imagegallery --gallery-image-definition MyImage --publisher Me --offer Ubuntu --sku 18.04 --os-type linux
az sig image-definition create -g images -r imagegallery --gallery-image-definition MyImage --publisher Me --offer Windows --sku mysku --os-type windows