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A pangram is a sentence using every letter of a given alphabet at least once. Pangrams have been used to display typefaces, test equipment, and develop skills in handwriting, calligraphy, and typing.


  • The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
  • Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
  • Go, lazy fat vixen; be shrewd, jump quick.
  • When zombies arrive, quickly fax Judge Pat.
  • Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes.
  • Puzzled women bequeath jerks very exotic gifts.
  • The quick onyx goblin jumps over the lazy dwarf.
  • Brawny gods just flocked up to quiz and vex him.
  • Watch “Jeopardy!”, Alex Trebek’s fun TV quiz game.


  • Vogel Quax zwickt Johnys Pferd Bim.
  • Sylvia wagt quick den Jux bei Pforzheim.
  • Prall vom Whisky flog Quax den Jet zu Bruch.
  • Jeder wackere Bayer vertilgt bequem zwo Pfund Kalbshaxen.
  • Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern.
  • Bei jedem klugen Wort von Sokrates rief Xanthippe zynisch: Quatsch!
  • Stanleys Expeditionszug quer durch Afrika wird von jedermann bewundert.


An ambigram is a calligraphic composition of glyphs (letters, numbers, symbols or other shapes) that can yield different meanings depending on the orientation of observation.
