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Tool Overview

Sort Information

Obviously there are many approaches to this. I will explain how I sort information of relevance to me and hopefully some methods are interesting to you or help decide how to approach the topic so it works best for you.

My tooling and methods have changed over time and I expect them to change in future. Hopefully I will remember to update this page if I do so. My current approach focuses on two main things: clear text and the right tool/place/format to store the information so I can easily use it when needed.

Here is an overview of different clear-text information and where I store it:

  • Blog/Doku: Mkdocs -> Repo
  • Notes: Logseq, Joplin, Obsidian -> DAV Sync
  • Code Examples: Jupyter Notebooks -> Repo
  • Code: Repo / Gist -> Repo
  • Snippets: VSCode Snippets -> Repo
  • One-liner: Navi -> Repo

Download Files

Download files, depending on your purpose with the following tools:

Purpose 0xfab1 Tool
Videos yt-dlp yt-dlp
Torrents qbittorrent qbittorrent
IRC XDCC irc mirc
Images gallery-dl gallery-dl
Files wget wget

Copy Files

The best tools to copy files, depending on source and destination:

Destination 0xfab1 Tool Comment
Cloud rclone rclone Encryption possible, no client needed, many vendors supported
Local drive/NAS RoboCopy RoboCopy Already installed, has sync option, works.
SFTP/WebDAV WinSCP WinSCP Scripting possible using
Sync P2P Syncthing Syncthing Use SyncTrayzor for GUI and sync files via peer-to-peer.
Backup Server Restic Restic Good for regular backups. Uses rclone in the backend.

Convert Files

Depending of the file typ, use the following tools to convert the original file into something else:

File type 0xfab1 Tool
Text Pandoc Pandoc
Audio & Video FFmpeg FFmpeg
Pictures ImageMagick ImageMagick
eBooks Calibre Calibre

For printing and scanning I personally prefer a laser printer with LAN support. There should be no need to install the vendors drivers and extra software; simply go with the OS printer drivers identified for your device.


For scanning on windows I prefer NAPS2.

Alternatively try VueScan.



Usually there is no need to install specific drivers to print. Use the HP print and scan drivers for linux if you have issues with your printer. This is required for scanning.

Steps to get HP Printers running on Ubuntu 20.04:

  • Download the latest dhplip rivers. Check this overview if link is not working.
  • Run the script with sh hplip-<version>.run and go throgh the steps.
  • Download the latest hplip plugin
  • Run the script with sh hplip-<version>.run
  • Now run the HO Device Manger or your scan tool of choice e.g. SimpleScan or gscan2pdf.


Install SimpleScan

sudo apt-get install simple-scan

gsettings set org.gnome.SimpleScan jpeg-quality 85
gsettings set org.gnome.SimpleScan brightness -10
gsettings set org.gnome.SimpleScan contrast 25 

Install gscan2pdf

sudo apt-get install gscan2pdf
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-deu 


RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, blogs, and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed.


There are 3 RSS feed types for YouTube:


Add ".atom" to a given commit link to get an RSS Reader update on a given file/folder or the entire project.

For example:

Add the atom link to your rss feed reader to get notified on updates.

A list of lists and overviews on the topic privacy tools. Please be aware that using "better" tools do not improve your privacy much; it's just a small step.

Client Alternatives

If you can't or don't want to use platform alternatives you can at least use different clients/alternative websites, text only offerings from a given source.

Great Browser Plugin to automatically redirect to some of these services:

Service Client
Video newpipe and Piped and Invidious
Social Twitter, Instagram, Reddit or old Reddit, Tumblr
World News NPR, Google News, CNN, CBC, The Guadian, New York Times
Tech News skimfeed, Hacker News
Search SearXNG, instances, startpage, DuckDuckGo, millionshort
Maps OSM, qwant


More info about the Fediverse.

Alternatives to:

Android Apps

Open board

100% FOSS keyboard, based on AOSP



Buy DRM free products (Media, Software,..)


Ways to create a CV/resume.


Inspiring tools/templates:

JSON Resume

JSON Resume is an open source solution to create a JSON-based standard for resumes. Create a HTML or PDF output using the CLI. Use a different theme without changing anything in the resume file.

  • Install: npm i resume-cli or use remotly with npx resume
  • Create initial json file: resume init
  • Edit resume.json and validate with resume validate: resume validate
  • Create a PDF: resume export resume.pdf
  • Create a HTML file: resume export resume.html
  • Host HTML file: resume serve

To use other themes browse and select what you prefer (and follow their config/install doc.)

Example for theme kendall:

cd ~/path/to/resume/
git clone
cp resume.json /jsonresume-theme-kendall/resume.json
cd jsonresume-theme-kendall
npm install
resume export resume.pdf --theme .
resume export resume.html --theme .
resume serve --theme .

Man page + curl

Create a Linux manual page formated file which can be downloaded and intepreted using the man command.

I created a markdown file and converted it using pandoc. Use definition-lists and metadata-blocks to pimp the file if you like (not really needed for our incentive of creating a CV)

Convert the file as follows

pandoc --standalone --to man -o cv.7

To read the created man page simply run: man cv.7

If the file is hosted online run the following command to read the file:

  • Windows: use groff or mandoc or simply install WSL and follow Linux command below.
  • Linux: man <( curl -sL )
  • MacOS: curl -sL > /tmp/cv.7; man /tmp/cv.7

I uploaded my cv.7 file to Access to subdomain "cv" is password protected using htaccess.

In order to access the password protected file we need to run curl as follows: curl -u username:password

Alternativly it is also possible to use wget: wget --http-user=username --http-password=password

Combine this with the command and we have a one-liner to read a cv using man :)

  • Linux: man <( curl -u "user":"password" -sL )
  • MacOS: curl -u "user":"password" -sL > /tmp/cv.7; man /tmp/cv.7